In this article I am going to show you how to create a Docker image for installing WebLogic. Note this is for the installation of the WebLogic product binaries only. We will create another docker image for deploying a domain.
Before you can build the Oracle WebLogic Docker image, be sure you created the Oracle JRE 8 image!
Download Oracle WebLogic 12c
As with building the Oracle JRE 8 image, we first need to download the installation package for Oracle WebLogic server. In this article, we are going to use the developer version which is a smaller distribution than the generic version of the installer.
Instructions for downloading Oracle WebLogic and building the image can be found under docker-images/OracleWebLgoic/
Once you have downloaded the Quick Install Developer Edition from Oracle, copy it to appropriate directory per the file: docker-images/OracleWebLogic/dockerfiles/12.2.1
Notice how Oracle has a directory per version of Weblogic. You can build docker images for each version first by downloading that version from and then building its image.
Build the Docker Image
To build a docker image for Oracle WebLogic 12.2.1, run the provided build script under docker-images/OracleWebLogic/dockerfiles.
Running the script with the -h flag shows you all the helper options you can specify.
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$ ./ -h Usage: -v [version] [-d | -g | -i] [-s] [-c] Builds a Docker Image for Oracle WebLogic. Parameters: -v: version to build. Required. Choose one of: 12.1.3 12.2.1 -d: creates image based on 'developer' distribution -g: creates image based on 'generic' distribution -i: creates image based on 'infrastructure' distribution -c: enables Docker image layer cache during build -s: skips the MD5 check of packages * select one distribution only: -d, -g, or -i |
To build a 12.2.1 developer image, we need to specify the version and distribution.
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$ ./ -v 12.2.1 -d |
Executing this command will take some time. You should see from the output that the WebLogic image uses the Oracle JRE 8 image we built earlier.
Once the build is complete, verify the image was created.
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$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE oracle/weblogic 12.2.1-developer 8f5708ba2680 About an hour ago 1.18 GB oracle/serverjre 8 b18ec85a7cbe 2 hours ago 382.2 MB oraclelinux latest 27a5201e554e 3 weeks ago 225.1 MB hello-world latest c54a2cc56cbb 6 months ago 1.848 kB |
In the next article we will create yet another docker image for the actual WebLogic domain itself. Step 4: Build the Domain Image.